Friday, June 8, 2012

Amazing DNA Appliance!!!

Hi Everyone!  I just received my DNA Appliance a little over 3 weeks ago and I am amazed by my results thus far.

On the first day wearing my DNA Appliance my ears opened up and within 2 days breathing through my nose was easier.  My lower jaw is already moving forward.  I can also see my cheekbones popping out and the lower portion of my face looks as though I have gained weight.  The dentist plans on doing 6mm of far I have done 3 key turns which puts me at .75mm of expansion thus far.

I will continue to post about every 4 weeks and will update the blog with pictures.

Here is my ortho history: 
Due to mouth breathing my upper palate is narrow (34mm) - should be at least 38mm. 

I have had braces 3 times in total.   Twice when I was young (2nd grade through 6th grade).  Due to my teeth crowding as I aged I went back and had Invisalign in my 20's.

I also had headgear in elementary school which pushed my face back and caused me to have vertical facial development instead of horizontal.

My tonsils and adenoids were removed at the end of my ortho treatment when I was 12.  My neck was very swollen.

When I was young I was told I had a tongue thrust and never received any myofascial therapy.

One side of my face is more developed than the other causing some asymmetry.

I suffer from neck pain and trouble breathing through my nose.

As a child I had an undetected gluten allergy which was discovered when I was 28 and diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis (an autoimmune disease).


  1. Hi Christie - Thanks for sharing your palate expansion experience. I have a few questions: Are you doing 6mm of expansion for each jaw, or is that the total for both jaws? How many teeth (if any) did you have pulled for prior dental treatments (like braces)? Will you need braces after this palate expansion?

    1. Hi SH,
      The expansion is for the upper far the lower seems to be expanding on it's own in keeping up...which I was told it may do. The dentist is doing 4mm in width and 2mm forward. I have only had my wisdom teeth pulled. It is possible I will need braces at the end but we are doing a wait and see approach. My teeth are straight from invisalign and appear to be staying straight so far...the bottom teeth are even becoming less crowded.

  2. Christie, thanks for sharing your experience with the DNA thus far. I'm hoping this device can work for me as I pretty much have all the same issues you describe. Did your dentist mention anything about the DNA growing the mandible forward considerably? I too have long face syndrome because of ortho and extractions. I can't do surgery because my joints are in really bad shape but I want to look the way I was supposed to look (which would take my lower jaw being rotated counterclockwise). Good luck, and hope you are happy with the result!

    1. Hi Eddie,
      My dentist says we will be moving my mandible forward 2mm. So far I am so pleased with the changes! I cannot believe the progress since May! I saw a picture of my profile and and can see my cheeks filling out. People can't put their finger on what has changed but they are telling me how I look great and younger! I can breathe so much better and my husband says I do not snore anymore! I cannot say enough good things about this appliance! I will be posting pictures in the next month or so. I wish you much success and the results you desire! Thank you!!!!

    2. That is really great news! I'm even more excited to consult with a DNA dentist now that I've heard about your experience. Is your sleep better? I'm so tired of being tired. Keep us posted!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Christie,
    Might I ask you an inappropriate question? I'd like to know your age. :) I'm unsure if it would work for me at 35.
    Thank you!

  5. Hi Christie,

    I thought I was the only one who had braces more than once as a child!

    I'm so glad this appliance is working for you. Your experience is giving me hope because I've always wondered why my ears were clogged for no reason, my mouth open unevenly (especially after so much "correction") and why, no matter how much bodywork and yoga and massage I experience, my neck is always tight.

    I look forward to when I will be able to afford it. I'm guessing it is not covered by insurance...
