Tuesday, October 9, 2012

DNA Appliance Before and After Progress and Pictures

Hi all!  I am so happy with my progress so far and I still have 4 months to go.  I can breathe so much better and my neck does not hurt anymore.  I am happy with the changes in my appearance so far too!!!

The before and afters are in May and then September.

I cannot say enough good things about this appliance!


  1. Hi Christie,

    Thank you for sharing your progress! I definitely see a difference between the profiles in the photos. Your lower jaw is more forward, and it seems like the midface area is more developed. Maybe there is a reduction in forward head posture, too. It looks like you are getting great results. It's really encouraging to hear that you are breathing better and that pain issues are resolving as well. It sounds like it has been a very worthwhile process. You mentioned in a comment on your previous post that you no longer snore. Do you notice a difference in the quality of your sleep?

    1. Hi SH,
      I think I must be going into a deeper sleep now but I am not sure... I am now dreaming again...

      I have a little baby so I am not sure I speak too much about sleep ....LOL :)

  2. Hi Christie,
    I have a few questions. How many hours are you wearing the mouth piece each day, and after how many you turn the screw? Have your body's posture changed?

    1. Hi Guillermo,
      I wear the appliance 12 - 14 hours a day (from 6 or 7 pm until 9 or 10 am). I turn the screw about every 7 days. I do notice that my head is no longer so far forward.

      Thank you,

  3. Looking great! Updates are always welcome.

  4. Wow, Christie! Your profile is definitely changing! I hope you'll keep us posted as to your progress :)

  5. Very impressive! How old are you?
